As Seen on TV and Popularized by Dr. Ronald Lawrence, James Coburn and Robert Culp!
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[Educational Information]
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.
This product is not intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease.
Please consult your nutritionally oriented, health care provider before
using any supplements.
For general use, MSM - Methylsulfonylmethane - should be taken internally as a food (dietary) supplement. MSM is necessary for collagen synthesis: skin, hair and nails. MSM keeps cells from becoming rigid. MSM softens tissue ("the beauty mineral"), and is believed to relieve stress, asthma, arthritis, inflammation, constipation, candida, detoxify the body and increase blood circulation, reduce muscle cramps, and back pain, help muscles to heal, increases energy, alertness, mental calmness, and the ability to concentrate. MSM scavenges free radicals, relieves allergies to food and pollens, helps the liver produce choline, controls acidity in stomach and ulcers, coats intestinal tract so parasites lose ability to hang on, helps with hypersensitivity to drugs, increases bodys ability to produce insulin, is important for carbohydrate metabolism, and speeds wound healing.
MSM (or DMSO2), short for Methylsulfonylmethane (, is found naturally in food when food is fresh, it is driven out of all foods, even with moderate processing. The "S" in DMSO2 ( stands for sulfur, most people are sulfur deficient unless they eat their fish and meat raw and their vegetables uncooked. MSM is present in most green plant food stuffs and certain algae, and a variety of fruits, vegetables, and grains in small amounts and is destroyed with dehydration and heat.
MSM is the transport molecule for elemental sulfur or assimilable source of essential sulfur which is required for proper assimilation of the alpha amino acids methionine and cysteine. In addition, the peptide hormone - insulin requires sulfur in its molecular structure and numerous other proteins, catalysts, and enzymes incorporate sulfur into their molecular framework. Proteins are essential for proper cellular metabolism and soft tissue synthesis. Proper protein synthesis can only be achieved with MSM monomers which maintain the correct molecular framework for soft and connective tissue throughout the human body.
At higher levels MSM functions as an active agent which can be used safely and effectively for a variety of purposes. MSM unlike DMSO is a dietary factor, and is free of unpleasant odors and neutralizes the toxicity of anticholinesterase, thereby providing protection against insecticide exposure or ingestion. When administered orally it is effective in ameliorating symptoms of physiological response to stress including gastrointestinal upset, inflammation of the mucous membranes, pain associated with musculoskeletal system disorders, and infectant allergens and appears to augment immunological competence through a natural vitamin like moderating or normalizing activity for various body functions and is noted for its exceptionally non-toxic nature for both children and adults, including geriatric patients. MSM is also effective in ameliorating gastrointestinal upsets such as that produced by the ingestion of aspirin and other pharmaceuticals or parasitic infections. Individuals with gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea, chronic constipation, nausea, hyperacidity and/or epigastric pain, or inflammation of mucous membranes also will experience dramatic relief. Individuals presenting symptoms of pain and inflammation associated with various musculoskeletal system disorders, including arthritis, reported substantial and long-lasting relief. A combination of World Image Naturals MSM and ascorbic acid (Vitamin C Extra) is of greater benefit, this combination is especially useful in correcting leg cramps, as in athletes who experience severe leg cramps during sports activity. Migraine sufferers also have obtained substantial relief while arthritic patients report relief from pain and stiffness as well as reduced swelling and inflammation.
A single dose of MSM is usually not effective in ameliorating symptoms. Noticeable results are usually seen within 2 to 21 days (certain problems may take much longer to notice changes). Daily dosages of 2,000 to 4,000 mg are recommended (more may be taken - see MSM Book). World Image Naturals' ( MSM is a safe, naturally occurring supplement. It has about the same toxicity as normal drinking water. [The benefit of MSM will further be enhanced when 2,000 mg or more of Vitamin C Extra is consumed.] Many people use up to 30 grams (30,000 mg) a day of MSM with wonderful benefits. So, don't be concerned with taking 4,000 mg ore more a day. You can get 4,000mg by taking 4 (tiny) capsules, twice daily, of Original-MSM™ or one level teaspoon of Original-MSM™ powder.
Subjects with chronic to severe allergies to environmental materials such as house dust, pollen, wool animal hair, feathers, and other diverse allergens report substantial to complete relief of their allergy symptoms. Allergy symptoms ranged from respiratory congestion to inflammation, itching, mucoid discharges, and general discomfort.
Allergies | Arthritis | Acne | Cancer (Breast, Colon) | Hyperacidity/heartburn | Constipation | Burns (thermal) | Brittle/soft nails |
Blood Sugar | Eye Health | Hypersensitivity to drugs | Insect bites | Lung Problems | Lupus | Mental Acuity | Muscle soreness/pain |
Oral/dental health | Parasites | Rheumatoid arthritis | Scar tissue | Snoring | Skin, hair and nails | Stress | Sunburn |
MSM combined with Glucosamine for joint help | Great for Pets! | more... |
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. Please consult your nutritionally oriented, health care provider before using any supplements
Note: The information found here is for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for individual medical attention or as a recommendation to address a specific health condition or illness. Please consult your nutritionally-oriented doctor before taking any supplements.
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Original MSM™ is the purest and most effective MSM on the planet.