Help for MS

Multiple Sclerosis and Nutritional Supplements

Help with MS Multiple Sclerosis

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Reverse Multiple Sclerosis in 90 Days

Arthritis - Cancer - Chronic Fatigue - Depression - Diabetes
Fibromyalgia - Gout - Lupus - Osteoporosis - Psoriasis

[This offers is not affiliated with World Image Naturals™.]

Multiple Sclerosis is a central nervous system disease that damages the myelin sheath.

The following is a selection of wonderful products that have been found to help control the symptoms of MS.

We hope that you find relief!..


MSM - Methylsulfonylmethane - Nutritional Sulfur Multiple Sclerosis

MSM helps to keep cell walls permeable - water flows in - toxins flow out.

MSM or MethylSulfonylMethane is a naturally occurring organic sulfur found in the tissues of all plants and animals (including humans). In fact, sulfur is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body.  The proper acid/alkaline balance of the body cannot be maintained without it.  Sulfur is vital to the creation and regeneration of the body’s tissues.  It must be present for collagen to be produced, and is a major component in the formation of cartilage and connective tissues. Symptoms associated with sulfur deficiencies include a poorly functioning immune system, gastrointestinal problems, allergies, arthritis, nail, hair, and skin problems. If the body is not receiving enough sulfur it produces weak, dysfunctional cells. Our highly-processed modern diet, air, soil, and water pollution, over farming and deforestation have made adequate nutritional sulfur unavailable to most people through food alone.  Supplementation with MSM is a safe way to insure sufficient sulfur intake. MSM is virtually nontoxic (about the same as normal water) and poses none of the risks associated with other supplemental sources of sulfur.  The body uses amino acids particularly Vitamin C with bioflavonoids (see below) to metabolize MSM to sulfur; therefore adequate Vitamin C intake is also important.  [Click Here for More Information on MSM via Email]

"I am an over the road truck driver (female) who also has Multiple Sclerosis
 and have taken MSM for months now.  I find I have more energy,
 feel less tired all the time now and just feel better in general.
  I take 10 to 16, 500 mg. capsules a day, along with several Vitamin C Extra capsules.
 I feel MSM is well worth the money and the results are great.
  Look at me...I am still walking." - Ms. Joyce L. of Virginia


Multiple Sclerosis should be treated vigorously.


Grape Seed Extract - Proanthocyanidins Multiple Sclerosis

Grape Seed Extract is used to strengthen the Blood Brain Barrier (BBB).

World Image Naturals, Inc. Grape Seed Extract is a natural plant constituent (a bioflavonoid) which strengthens and protects living tissue.  It is a SUPER ANTIOXIDANT which is 20-50 TIMES MORE POWERFUL THAN VITAMIN C, E, & BETA CAROTENE!  World Image Naturals, Inc. Grape Seed Extract is an antiallergenic, antihistamine, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and it strengthens blood vessels, improves skin and aids in circulation.  Researchers have discovered that Grape Seed Extract can help defeat the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which stops the hair follicle growth cycle. Grape Seed Extract can help stimulate healthy hair growth.  The active plant constituents in Grape Seed Extract are proanthocyanidins (OPC).  Citrus Bioflavonoids increase capillary strength, regulate absorption, and enhance the effectiveness of Vitamin C and OPC.  World Image Naturals Grape Seed Extract is the purest available - with no additives - in pure encapsulated form - not inferior caplets/tablets.  Each Capsule (from vegetables) contains: 100mg Standardized (95%+ OPC) and 480mg Citrus Bioflavonoids (Vitamin P).
[Click Here for More Information on Grape Seed Extract via Email]

Multiple Sclerosis

YF-8™ (Coenzyme Q10 - Ginkgo Biloba ...) Multiple Sclerosis

Helps rebuild nerves, restore muscle, increase circulation to brain, detoxifies, and more...

YF-8™ is an unique anti-aging, Human Growth Hormone (hGH) precursor supplement with benefits that include beautiful skin, cardiovascular protection, immune system support, improved sexual performance, increased energy, memory enhancement, muscle gain, weight (fat) loss and more.
[Click Here for More Information on YF-8 via Email]

Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis can have long-lasting remission!


Ionic Minerals (Crystalloid) Multiple Sclerosis

Ionic Minerals are of great importance!

World Image Naturals, Inc. provides the purest form of minerals on the market.  Like those found in nutritious plants, these mineral supplements are in a form which is completely absorbable by the body - unlike metallic, chelated and colloidal minerals (which may cause harmful, toxic buildup).  A mineral that is not small enough (absorbable) for the body to use remains in the bloodstream and may cause disease.  Our bodies are meant to absorb and use minerals, discharging any waste.  Water-soluble minerals are essential to physical and mental health.  Minerals are required for the proper function of every system of the body.  Due to mineral (nutrient) depleted soils, unnatural farming techniques, premature harvests (to hurry to market) and poor handling and storage of food, many are experiencing health problems due to mineral deficiencies.  Water-soluble, ionic minerals are recommended for daily use, to give the body the much needed minerals required for optimum health and well-being.
[Click Here for More Information on Ionic Minerals via Email

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Reverse Multiple Sclerosis in 90 Days

Arthritis - Cancer - Chronic Fatigue - Depression - Diabetes
Fibromyalgia - Gout - Lupus - Osteoporosis - Psoriasis

[This offers is not affiliated with World Image Naturals™.]

Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms

Visual Symptoms
Optic Neuritis: Blurred vision, eye pain, loss of color vision, blindness
Diplopia: Double Vision
Nystagmus: Jerky Eye Movements
Ocular Dysmetria: Constant under- or overshooting eye movements
Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia: Lack of coordination between the two eyes, nystagmus, diplopia
Movement and sound phosphenes: Flashing lights when moving eyes or in response to a sudden noise
Afferent Pupillary Defect: Abnormal pupil responses

Motor Symptoms
Paresis, Monoparesis, Paraparesis, Hemiparesis, Quadraparesis: Muscle weakness - partial or mild paralysis
Plegia, Paraplegia, Hemiplegia, Tetraplegia, Quadraplegia: Paralysis - Total or near total loss of muscle strength
Spasticity: Loss of muscle tone causing stiffness, pain and restricting free movement of affected limbs
Dysarthria: Slurred speech and related speech problems
Muscle Atrophy: Wasting of muscles due to lack of use
Spasms, Cramps: Involuntary contraction of muscles
Hypotonia, Clonus: Problems with posture
Myoclonus, Myokymia: Jerking and twitching muscles, Tics
Restless Leg Syndrome: Involuntary Leg Movements, especially bothersome at night
Footdrop: Foot drags along floor during walking
Dysfunctional Reflexes: MSRs, Babinski's, Hoffman's, Chaddock's

Sensory Symptoms
Paraesthesia: Partial numbness, tingling, buzzing and vibration sensations
Anaesthesia: Complete numbness/loss of sensation
Neuralgia, Neuropathic and Neurogenic Pain: Pain without apparent cause, burning, itching and electrical shock sensations
L'Hermitte's: Electric shocks and buzzing sensations when moving head
Proprioceptive Dysfunction: Loss of awareness of location of body parts
Trigeminal Neuralgia: Facial pain

Coordination and Balance Symptoms
Ataxia: Loss of coordination
Intention Tremor: Shaking when performing fine movements
Dysmetria: Constant under- or overshooting limb movements
Vestibular Ataxia: Abnormal balance function in the inner ear
Vertigo: Nausea/vomitting/sensitivity to travel sickness from vestibular ataxia
Speech Ataxia: Problems coordinating speech, stuttering
Dystonia: Slow limb position feedback
Dysdiadochokinesia: Loss of ability to produce rapidly alternating movements, for example to move to a rhythm

Bowel, Bladder and Sexual Symptoms
Frequent Micturation, Bladder Spasticity: Urinary urgency and incontinence
Flaccid Bladder, Detrusor-Sphincter Dyssynergia: Urinary hesitancy and retention
Erectile Dysfunction: Male and female impotence
Anorgasmy: Inability to achieve orgasm
Retrograde Ejaculation: Ejaculating into the bladder
Frigidity: Inability to become sexually aroused
Constipation: Infrequent or irregular bowel movements
Fecal Urgency: Bowel urgency
Fecal Incontinence: Bowel incontinence

Cognitive Symptoms
Cognitive Dysfunction: Short-term and long-term memory problems, forgetfulness, slow word recall
Mood swings, emotional lability, euphoria
Bipolar syndrome
Aphasia, Dysphasia Impairments to speech comprehension and production

Other Symptoms
Uhthoff's Symptom: Increase in severity of symptoms with heat
Gastroesophageal Reflux: Acid reflux
Impaired sense of taste and smell
Epileptic seizures
Swallowing problems
Respiratory problems
Sleeping Disorders

Inappropriately cold body parts
Autonomic nervous system problems

Multiple Sclerosis Help

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Statements on this page (website) may not have been evaluated by the FDA.  These products are not intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease.  No claims or guarantees for any results are made or implied.  Please consult your nutritionally oriented, health care provider before using any supplements.